Friday, March 11, 2011

18 Quesrions for the sustainable designer?

Sustainability in fashion...not just for vegans and the arts and crafts enthusiast...

18 questions for those interested in the green movement found at It's time to really think about going green beyond the cute grocery bag...

1. How can you use intelligent design to reduce the social and environmental impact of a product’s lifecycle?

2. Do you consider the environmental effects of the colors and prints you choose for your collection?

3. Can you create a longer-lasting and better-functioning product, thereby reducing the need to replace it?

4. How much water does it take to produce your fabrics?

5. Are you aware of the sustainable alternatives to the raw materials you are currently using?

6. When selecting your fabric range, do you think about the end-of-life stage, such as the implications of disposal?

7. How well do you know your supply chain?

8. What are the social costs of your production process?

9. Have you ever considered using recycled pre-consumer/post-consumer waste in your collection?

10. Are you able to reduce the amount of solid and hazardous waste in your packaging?

11. Have you considered a local supply chain to decrease mileage in the production process?

12. Could you reduce the weight and volume of a product by using fewer or lighter materials to optimize transportation?

13. How durable are your products; is it possible to increase their longevity?

14. How can you encourage the customer to form an emotional attachment to your product, thereby discouraging disposal?

15. How does your product need to be cleaned and what impact will this have on 
the environment?

16. Can the product have a second life?

17. Could you offer an upgrading and/or a repair service to your customer?

18. Can you reduce the waste impact of disposing your product by making it recyclable 
or biodegradable?

1 comment:

  1. 6 million??? If you really really want to do something about tragedy, then why not step forward, blow your bloody whistle about the 50 million abortions conducted annually in America! These are not simply permitted, they are advocated, by Hollywood, Planned Parenthood, and the entire Democrat Party. Get off your ass and join the REAL fighter against this hell. And while you're showing photos/videos of racist programs, consider this...the number of abortions perpetrated in the Black community of America is exceptionally higher than the White community. Doesn't that sound racists and genocidal? are, no doubt, a liberal and pick your flower-power, peacenik "fights", and a just a pawn for the whacko leftists.
